Friday, August 18, 2006

Last Saturday, as we were at the community pool, I watched a missile drop out of the sky, hissing as it landed and crashed onto the entry of our small village. The blast entered my skin and the inner tubes of my ears. As I write, I feel the shock once again. Fire spit out of the ground and big billows of smoke after it.

Quickly we gathered the children and headed for the underground bunkers for safety. I left late that night for the center of the country, where the missiles did not hit. What I describe below is the reason I was not able to continue writing the same day, nor for the next several.

The following morning, I found it hard to get up. My body felt like it had been run over by a truck. Three days before this explosion, I had been in the line of another attack while at the supermarket (see my previous post). Singing in the shelter, made the shock more easy to absorb.

This evening, I read on this site a very interesting post about audiologist reserach regarding treatment of soliders serving in Iraq. It makes total sense to me.

The way I have been treating myself effectively is by passing a finger from the extreme right to the extreme left of my vision. The eye movement utilizes both the right and left sides of the brain, helping to restore balance.

Inner balance - which also includes emotional balance are also connected to hearing. In Hebrew, the words hearing, ear and balance share the same etymologic roots.

Using myself as a guinea pig, I have been using the first step of the Voices of Eden Healing Music modality, which is silence and focus, along with what I have mentioned above.

The heavy dullness in my head is waning. My energy level is increasing. Consider trying the above exercises if you are paticularly tired.

They are easy to implement and show immediate results.

1 comment:

Diane Moss said...

Just wanting you to know we are thinking of you often with love and prayers.