Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jesus and a car in Galilee

Well, I still haven't taken my car into the garage. Yesterday, the electricity was being fixed on the car lift. This morning when I called, Eihab said it would be more convenient for him tomorrow. OK. Part of living a peace filled life, is going with the flow.

I like Eihab. We met when my car had stalled and I he came to my rescue through the road service. He repaired the problem on the spot. I hired him to fix the front bearings and replace the tires. He gave me an estimate, took my car to the garage and returned it to my home. I didn't have to lift a finger. In addition, he told me it cost LESS than he had expected.

That did it... he won a long time customer. Jesus would be proud of him!

Last month Eihab's wife gave birth to their first child - a beautiful daughter. I gave them one of NOAM - the healing lullaby music cd I composed that Dr. Emoto researched. (The water crystal appears in the film. You can see it on He told me that the cd stays on all day and night now - they all are relaxed by it... and my car has won an honest repairman for life...

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