Friday, May 25, 2007

Video Clips from Jerusalem Hug

It was a heavenly experience to be together in Jerusalem. Our collective energy was harmonious, which you will hear in this video. After singing, Jimmy led us in a prayer for Jerusalem in English, and following that, I led us in a Hebrew prayer for Holy City. Notice that when we begin to pray, how there is a stupendous light which appears over James' head. All that is seen is the suns' orb, everything else paels around it. From there, a halo grows as the group comes back into physical focus. I remember holding the camera very still. It did not move. Astounding, eh!!! Miracles are commonplace when we focus together upon the highest good. Listen and see one here:

Here is a beautiful man from the group hugging the walls around Jerusalem, as James Twyman and I embrace and join him and others around the walls. It was a beautiful day.

Earlier, we met in the park surrounding the old city. Spontaneous gatherings, meditation, music, dance and other activities were led by those so moved to contribute. I was witness to a beautiful meditation led by LaSara Firefox and a few other people who together, gave reverence to mother earth. You can see the beauty in their faces and hear it in their voices.