Friday, April 02, 2010

How do you stay on purpose when going through change?

With spring in the air, it's a time of rebirth. I love that spacious feeling of having the space and time to consider change and choose new direction.

Yet rebirth, like transformation, doesn't come without it's pain and pressure. Saying "yes" to one direction, means saying "no" to another. Others may not like it. Perhaps it will upset the apple cart.

How do you stay on purpose when going through change?

How do you respond to family, friends or colleagues who get stirred up by your transformation in process?

In his book "Real Magic", author Wayne Dyer shares how he has personally learned to avoid slings and arrows that come his way in his public pursuits. He has trained himself to ignore others' opinions and stay on purpose. His focus is upon his inner mission to help improve other people's lives and sticking with it, regardless of the outcome. Ironically, he shares as he is more on purpose, his speaking and communication flow.

I got very inspired by reading his words again after many years. My heart has been directing me to serve in a bigger way and share my talents through creative means. My intent is to help people more authentically express themselves. As I make inner changes, I meet up with more of my own inner slings and arrows and learn to make peace with them.

When you’re in turmoil, how do you connect to and express your inner voice of peace? Like when you’re in the turmoil part?

Scott Johnson, Director of the Positive Music Association, who I interviewed for the Educational Home Study System:
FINDING INNER PEACE IN TROUBLED TIMES - Transformational Interviews with 7 Living Peace Makers had this to say:

"I try to think my way around stuff and it doesn’t seem to work. I think you just have to be present with it. I’ll give you an example of how music has helped me. I had my own graphic design business for 12 years out of my home. Last year I took a day job in a new industry. I was miserable for the first eight or nine months of it. While it didn't feed my soul, it fed the family and that’s important.

During that time I wrote a song from that experience called "Get Me Out of Here". It’s a great blues song... To be able to express myself constructively without damaging others or things, or polluting the world - sitting down at the piano and writing about it and singing it, helped me deal with and move through it. The song has a lot of emotion behind it and makes me feel good when I sing it now."

I love how Scott alchemically transformed his misery through music, providing himself and others with a powerful source for self nurturing.

The other interviews in the home study course share other inspiring stories from the trenches: meeting life and death issues, million dollar debt, relationship conflict, challenges with children, coping with depression, managing conflict with equanimity, patience, kindness and compassion.

I am following my heart's guidance to offer this very special interview series at a "Name Your Own Price" through April 30, 2010. There are absolutely no strings attached. I am including the bonuses and a money back guarantee as well.

Like Wayne Dyer, I am simply doing what I know to be the right thing - showing up in a bigger way for me while truly hoping to contribute to improve the lives of others and doing divine work.

So grateful!

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