Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mary Magdalene and the Well

I had the good fortune this last week to guide Jan Cercone, Music Practitioner, who offers inspirational programs for using music in patient/staff settings, on a sacred peace tour to Mary Magdalene's well and other power points in Jerusalem and in the North of Israel, little known to tourists, nor locals alike.

Together, we sang and vocalized at Rujm el Hiri - a neolithic crop circle and sacred energy vortex, similar to Stonehenge in the Golan Heights. Jan came to Israel, having no idea what awaited her here. She just trusted the inner voice calling her to come.

How many times has a small still voice whispered some direction in your heart, only you did not have the faith in yourself to listen to it? We spoke about this alot. We contemplated this alot and sang about it alot. At Mary Magdalene's well, we meditated upon it, such that it would support all of us in opening our hearts to allow them to sing more. You can hear the singing of the babbling brook here at Magdalenes' well, with me humming in the background, and Jan contemplating good by the water's edge:

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