Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How Falling Apart Can Actually Help You Get It Together

January 2012. I've been evaluating my work, my personal life and most importantly, my relationships. I am excited to be living in Israel in 2012. This is my year to come alive.

Do you know the experience of going through the motions of what used to give you energy, expecting to like it, only inside, it feels empty? I have been feeling like King Soloman in Eccelsiastes who laments: “Havel Havelim” which roughly translates to, “Nothing has meaning”, yet deep within, the deeper meaning is palpable, even if not yet expressible in language.

My business is authenticity, and I have felt anything but...

How embarrassing it has been to discover how I was projecting one face to the world...positive...”anything's possible”, meet difficulty with courage”... you know... “super woman”... while deep in the pit of my belly a darker face was lurked like a monster, secretly causing me sadness, pain, shame and fear.

Spiritual Awakening or Break-Down?

Quite sincerely, Im grateful to have experienced what we'd call in spiritually correct circles a “spiritual awakening”, yet in simpler language, let's call it a “ break-down”, my personal Armaggedon (which is actually located 20 minutes away from my home).

You're on your way to rediscovering your amazing strength!

The cool thing about burn out is, when everything seems to fall apart, and you allow yourself to dig down to your roots, you end up discovering a deep source of strength.

My purpose for sharing this with you is I want to know that if you are feeling exhausted, lost, confused and not sure what is going on in your life.... you're not alone...

2012 is the year of transformation, to living a full, juicy authentic life.
I've experienced my own inner Armageddon and dug deeper to discover a deep well of wisdom, power and tranquility within. The pain and confusion has been a pittance to pay for the gold treasure of sweet tranquil waters that cannot be disturbed by outer confusion.
I have dedicated my life to revive an ancient approach of using voice, rhythm and music as a means to connect with our inner wisdom so that we may express it more freely in the world, each contributing our own special song.

My dream has been to bring people back to the ancient sites, to experience this music at the location. There is special energy there. With technology evolving a breakneck speed, I am exploring how to share this material and music with you in various forms... virtual retreats, telecourses... applications...

Requests? Ideas? Needs?
Miriam's Secret is evolving into a virtual experience which really excites me. Since you will be able to visit the ancient sites without leaving your home, experiencing the healing and transformational power of these places that will reignite your own inner well of wisdom.

I am glad you are in my life. Thank you.

What challenges are you facing today in your own process of healing and transformation?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.