Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Marianne Williamson in Israel

Marianne Williamson visited Israel this last week. I had the great fortune of reconnecting with her after thirty years of our first meeting in Los Angeles.

At that time, Marianne had just left her secretarial position and was risking her faith to give lectures about
A Course in Miracles. She would speak once a week at a church gathering in Santa Monica and in the living rooms of people who spontaneous organized gatherings to discuss the materials.

One evening in the small apartment living room of a then neighbor of mine in Marina del Rey, Marianne spilled her guts about her difficulties. It was neither polite nor politically correct, nor did it make her "look good".

Yet it was so honest, sincere, authentic and powerful that through the years of my own path of risking "looking good", leaving the conventional life of US and Europe behind to live in Israel to revive the sacred healing music practices of the of the ancient prophetesses.

On Sunday, September 11 she addressed a group of 200 conscious people who gathered to focus upon inner and outer peace. At the same time, I had been invited to present before a similar sized gathering celebrating women's empowerment. The event, organized by the Haifa mayor's office of female empowerment, intended to celebrate the new year, and acknowledge the great effort of the women who lead the large women's empowerment programs in Northern Israel.

Building on the constructive change transpiring through the grassroots demonstrations, I suggested that we join forces - and synchronize our meditation upon good together. This way, it grows.


The harmony of those moments was palpable. Silence which rang with such a force that it's echoes still reverberate within my heart. What most impressed me was the power of the softness. That is true divine femininity at it's best. Marianne wrote a beautiful post about femininity on her blog, which reflects my own experience to a "T".

Living outside of the US and experiencing the appreciation of feminine expression in France and the Middle East (YES, the Middle East! Will write a whole post about this), allowed me to heal the deep wound I experienced, shutting off my nurturing qualities in the name of "equality".

The gift in this healing is the gift of being the midwife to the revival of this powerful musical way of the prophetesses of ancient Israel. I will be going to Los Angeles next week. I look forward to providing a music meditation of this powerful music at one of the Monday night gatherings, honoring the entire community for it's part in helping me, the doctors, and countless others in the Middle East to revive of the healing power of the divine feminine.

I look forward to hugging my mother and honoring the huge role she has played in my own life.
Where ever you are, whatever you happen to be doing, please take a moment to honor yourself.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Action through Non-Action

So much change happening. Summer has offcially ended here in Israel. Children have returned to school. The weather is giving signals of fall in the cooling air. I recently received an email from Alison Roberts, author of Hathor Rising, who sent the most beautiful quote from Carl Jung in his commentary on the alchemical work known as the "Secret of the Golden Flower".

Here's what he wrote:

The art of letting things happen, action through non-action, letting go of oneself, as taught by Meister Eckhart, became for me the key opening the door to the Way. We must be able to let things happen in the psyche. For us, this actually is an art of which few people know anything. Consciousness is forever interfering, helping, correcting and negating, and never leaving the simple growth of the psychic processes in peace'.

By the Well Gathering

Looking forward to our next By the Well Gathering!! Now is time to mark your calendar for Thursday, September 8 at noon EST (US Time), 19:00 Israel Time, 17:00 GMT.

If you weren’t with us LIVE for the last call, you’ll want to listen to
the recording right away. On the call, we covered how
to go beneath the inner and outer chaos so typifying life today, and draw sustenance from your inner well of wisdom.

I shared my story of meeting the fear of death, daily, which brought clarity and confidence regarding my path and uncovered a secret about the relationship of bells to opening the shut chambers of your heart, and a very soothing healing music meditation to soothe yourself while going through change! It was a very moving call… great questions were asked!

You can listen to it here.

Please join us on September 8th. Call in instructions are here. Please send me your questions, issues or subjects that you feel inspired to have covered on the call. Leave a note below. Our call and the music composed for it, will be focused around the issues YOU raise. Look forward to hearing from you!!!!